Roasted Broccolini with Fresh Garlic and Pepper

Roasted Broccolini with Fresh Garlic and Pepper

Did you know that broccolini is good for your heart both physically and mentally? It’s an anti-inflammatory that keeps blood vessels strong while also being a good source of mood-boosting vitamin B.

Get in your greens in a new, tasty way by roasting your broccolini. The fresh garlic adds a sweet, nutty flavor while the pepper adds heat. It's a simple side dish your guests will love. Serve with my goat cheese and spinach stuffed chicken with savory mushroom sauce for a complete meal!


  • 2 lbs broccolini, trim 2 inches off stalks

  • ¼ c olive oil

  • 1 t kosher salt

  • ¼ t ground black pepper

  • ½ t crushed red pepper

  • 3 cloves of garlic, thinly sliced


Preheat oven to 400°. Whisk together olive oil, salt and both peppers in a large mixing bowl. Add trimmed broccolini and mix together until all stalks are coated. Spread out evenly on a baking sheet. Roast uncovered for 20 minutes. Serves 6-8.

TIP: You can prepare this dish up to the roasting point prior to guests arriving. Roast just before to serving.
