The Bread that Keeps on Giving ❤️❤️❤️

December 16, 2020
Are you looking for a creative hostess gift that warms the heart and the appetite? Think sisterhood of the traveling bread loaf pan!❤️
The holidays are a time for giving, hospitality and kindness. There is a longstanding tradition of gifting homemade baked goods because they emulate such warmth and comfort. This year looks a little different so maybe put a meaningful spin on your homemade baked bread by including a traveling bread loaf pan. This will initiate a heartwarming circle of kindness!❤️
It's easy! Simply, purchase a ceramic bread loaf pan. You can get them for a very reasonable price at HomeGoods or on Amazon. Then purchase a ceramic safe pen. And finally, come up with your favorite recipe for homemade bread to bake. May I suggest my Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread? It's healthy, delicious and perfect to have on hand for the holidays. Bake your bread in the pan, and then sign and label the bottom of the pan. Gift it with an instruction card on how to "bake it forward" (See the example below). You can indicate to keep it within a specific circle; your family, your neighborhood, a group that you're involved in, or keep it random. The person who is given a bread in the pan when there is no more room for another label gets to keep the pan as a treasure and is asked to start the process again with a new pan. Such a sweet way to circulate and spread love in your circles! ❤️ You can use this same idea with a cookie plate or even a casserole dish. You'll find all sorts of recipes for this on the website.
By the way on a personal note, what is that patch on my chest in the photo you ask??? It's a heart monitor! I was flagged for a low heartbeat at a recent annual physical, this led to some tests and this temporary device. My message here is that we can't be too precautious about our heart health! And my PSA for the week is: Ladies do not skip your annual physical, pandemic or not!❤️
Take care of your heart in every way,
Susan ❤️